Toronto Metropolitan University

Policy Change Towards Equity and Inclusion is Good for Science in Canada

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-09-13, 20:40 authored by Lesley CampbellLesley Campbell, Imogen CoeImogen Coe

[para.1.]: "In 2019, the Canadian post-secondary education (PSE) sector, and particularly the research enterprise, saw the implementation of significant initiatives relating to increasing equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in research, across all disciplines, including all scientific research supported by the three tri-councils. Overall, research culture in Canada has historically moved toward equity at a glacial pace and is behind other jurisdictions such as the US, UK and Australia in adopting policy-driven approaches to improved EDI in PSE. In 2019, there are now a number of policy changes that include (but are not limited to) the requirement for all Canadian PSE institutions to develop equity plans, increased accountability in the CRC program, expectations of applicants to integrate EDI and SGBA+ analysis in grant applications, and mandatory peer-review training on implicit bias. Canadian institutions can now also voluntarily participate in the recently launched Dimensions: EDI charter, which expected organizations to develop, implement and assess multi-year action plans which address their own institutional policies and programming initiatives towards identifying individual structural and systemic biases that limit full participation of members of the federally designated groups (women, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities and members of visible minorities) and other under-represented communities (e.g., LGBTQ2S+).”




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