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Mindful aging: The association between trait mindfulness and expectations regarding aging among middle aged and older adults
Objectives: Positive Expectations Regarding Aging serve as a protective factor of healthy aging; however, negative stereotypes regarding aging continue to dominate popular aging discourse. It is proposed that trait mindfulness (TM) is associated with aging expectations through the cultivation of openness, curiosity, and non-judgment to one’s thoughts, emotions, and sensations, whether they are positive or negative.
Methods: Associations between the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire and the Expectations Regarding Aging Survey (ERA-38) were examined among 201 participants aged 55+ years.
Results: Analyses revealed that higher levels of TM was significantly associated with positive aging expectations, controlling for retirement and socioeconomic status (R2change= 14.0%, F(5,192) = 7.17, p < .001).
Conclusion: The development of TM, notably the facet of non-judgment, may be used to promote positive aging expectations to help support healthy aging.