Toronto Metropolitan University

Good news, bad news: a snapshot of conditions at small-market newspapers in Canada

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-05-02, 15:02 authored by April LindgrenApril Lindgren, Brent Jolly, Cara Sabatini, Christina Wong
[Para. 1 of Introduction]: We set out with this survey to find out about conditions at small-market newspapers in Canada and to explore the sector’s prospects at a time when newspapers in general face major challenges. The survey, which was in the field from February 5, 2018, to April 25, 2018, is a joint initiative by the Local News Research Project run by Ryerson University journalism professor April Lindgren, and the non-profit National NewsMedia Council, a voluntary self-regulatory organization that promotes editorial standards and news literacy. Together, we sought answers to questions about workload; the use of digital tools; how employees stay up to date with ethical, technological and other changes; and how publications engage with audiences. Respondents were also asked for their views on the future and industry challenges and opportunities.


