Book Review: Settler: Identity and colonialism in 21st century Canada
**Settler: Identity and Colonialism in 21st Century Canada** is a well-focused, engaging, and unsettling book about the relationship between the Indigenous and Settler populations in Canada. The authors, Emma Battell Lowman and Adam J. Barker, "speak as and to Settler Canadians" and engage in critical reflexivity on what it means to situate as a Settler theoretically, politically, and ethically. This book aims to problematize and interrogate Settler identity, whereas the notion of identity is conceptualized as situated and process-based: "not biologically determined, culturally circumscribed, or structured by a single political or economic system" (p. 109). Battell Lowman and Barker's project is to scrutinize such processes in which Settler identity becomes bound up with settler colonialism, through claims to the land we call "home."