Book Review: Litigating Artificial Intelligence by Jesse Beatson, Gerold Chan, and Jill R. Presser
In appraising the book, this review focuses on the use of AI in the criminal law context of policing, trial, and corrections. AI in criminal justice is proliferating across all stages of the justice process, with more examples of automated tools being introduced in criminal justice processes. Generally, most legal scholarship in this area has been on algorithmic risk assessment tools in bail and sentencing. However, examples of the use of assistive automated sentencing decision technologies have also drawn lots of attention. This review focuses on the authors’ assessment of the uses of algorithmic risk assessment tools in bail and sentencing predictions, probabilistic genotyping tools, and predictive policing technology and how these tools may raise Canadian Charter considerations that Canadian lawyers must prepare for.
Jake Okechukwu EffoduhLanguage
EnglishUsage metrics
- Access to justice
- Administrative law
- Criminal law and procedure
- Human rights
- Indigenous law
- Law (except legal practice and international law), n.e.c.
- Law and society
- Law and technology
- Lawyering and the legal profession
- Legal institutions (including courts and justice systems)
- Legal practice, n.e.c.
- Litigation, adjudication and dispute resolution