A Comparative Study of Conflicts Experienced Between Immigrant Parents in Canada and in Israel and Professionals in Educational Institutions about Appropriate Responses to Children's Misbehavior
One of the barriers which immigrant parents may encounter in the process of
acculturation into their new country is differing expectations about ways in which teachers
and other professionals involved in the educational system should relate to their children’s
misbehavior. To examine the potential sources of conflicts relating to disciplinary measures,
a comparative study utilizing a qualitative methodology was conducted with 65 immigrant
parents from Latin America in Canada and with 103 immigrant parents from the Former
Soviet Union in Israel. The findings indicate that, in the two samples, participants
experienced differences between their expectations about the way in which teachers should
handle student misbehavior and the actual behavior of the teachers. The differences which
the immigrant parents indicated could be characterized primarily as culturally based
disagreements about (a) the types of misbehaviors which justify intervention by teachers,
(b) the kind of disciplinary measures which should be used, (c) the factors that should be
considered when deciding about disciplinary actions, and (d) the lack of sensitivity to the
impact of immigration related difficulties on the behavior of children. The immigrants’
current expectations of teachers’ behavior was based on their experiences in their country of
origin, and these were often in contradiction with the common approach in Canada and
Israel. Ways of developing reciprocal channels of communication between professionals in
schools and kindergartens and immigrant parents are suggested in order to overcome barriers
and bridge gaps in communication.