Adults researching with children
The focus of this chapter is on research with younger children, and on what Corsaro (2005) describes as micro-level approaches to data generation, such as interviews, focus groups, and ethnography, as well as creative methods, paying particular attention to the role(s) of the researcher and conceptualizations of children in the process (for a discussion of reflexivity in research with youth, see Raby, 2007). More specifically, we begin the chapter with a discussion of reflexivity in qualitative research, particularly as it relates to researcher positionality, and then move to examine how children are conceptualized in research, paying particular attention to research on children and research with children. We next consider issues connected to gaining access to child participants, as well as what is involved in seeking participation from children themselves in research. The researcher's role is then discussed, as are issues of power in the research process. A- dilemma faced by a research team is presented prior to the conclusion of the chapter.